The quality of our products and services is a major objective in order to fully satisfy our customers, who are the lifeblood of the company, all our employees and all our suppliers.
Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are at the heart of our business rationale.
Our culture of customer service is deeply rooted.
To constantly improve our performance at every level of the company, we are committed to a long process of continuous improvement.
We make sure our prices are fair and always competitive, to fully satisfy our customers.
As an active economic player in our city, Saint-Ouen, we strongly favor local suppliers in order to support them.
Our suppliers are paid on time, and we work in true win-win partnerships.
We are committed to responsible purchasing.
Every year, we invest in the right tools to boost productivity and improve the company’s material living conditions.
In recent years, we have carried out extensive work to obtain European sanitary approval, a guarantee of quality, performance and safety for our customers.
Last but not least, we believe that loyalty and ethics should be an integral part of corporate life, and we are committed to following this philosophy on a daily basis.
The quality of our products and services is a major objective in order to fully satisfy our customers, who are the lifeblood of the company, all our employees and all our suppliers.
Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are at the heart of our business rationale.
Our culture of customer service is deeply rooted.
To constantly improve our performance at every level of the company, we are committed to a long process of continuous improvement.
We make sure our prices are fair and always competitive, to fully satisfy our customers.
As an active economic player in our city, Saint-Ouen, we strongly favor local suppliers in order to support them.
Our suppliers are paid on time, and we work in true win-win partnerships.
We are committed to responsible purchasing.
Every year, we invest in the right tools to boost productivity and improve the company’s material living conditions.
In recent years, we have carried out extensive work to obtain European sanitary approval, a guarantee of quality, performance and safety for our customers.
Last but not least, we believe that loyalty and ethics should be an integral part of corporate life, and we are committed to following this philosophy on a daily basis.
- Team training and involvement
- Waste reduction
- Energy savings and fluids
- Selecting suppliers who share our values
- Promoting short circuits
- Labelled products
- No use of colorants or additives
- Less animal protein, more veggie
- Less polluting employee transport
- Working conditions
- Health and safety
- Inclusive management
- Flexibility
- Parity, equality and diversity
- Training
- Integration of young people
- Integration of apprentices and trainees
- Limits on precarious employment
- Integration of disabled people
- Housing assistance
- Donate any surplus food to associations
- Workspace design, safety and decoration
- Daily staff lunches
- Internal cohesion events
- Personal development
- Team training and involvement
- Waste reduction
- Energy savings and fluids
- Selecting suppliers who share our values
- Promoting short circuits
- Labelled products
- No use of colorants or additives
- Less animal protein, more veggie
- Less polluting employee transport
- Working conditions
- Health and safety
- Inclusive management
- Flexibility
- Parity, equality and diversity
- Training
- Integration of young people
- Integration of apprentices and trainees
- Limits on precarious employment
- Integration of disabled people
- Housing assistance
- Donate any surplus food to associations
- Workspace design, safety and decoration
- Daily staff lunches
- Internal cohesion events
- Personal development